Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i think most people eventually loose their ability to relate with the world on a meaningful level. instead, we propel ourselves from one biodegradable moment to the next; struggling to maintain a viable relationship with reality.

is it just me, or does anyone else feel like the desperation in the world borders paranormal.


td said...

Well, having kids and someone else to care for tends to rearrange one's priorities a bit. It ain't easy being a grownup. Has it's rewards though. Besides, you gotta detatch at somepoint to value the reattaching. I think.

GirlSpeakExpert said...

Personally, not having kids, I tend to agree with Nick. Although thanks for the pick-me-up buddy, like I'm not already poised to jump off the balcony one of these days. :-)

It seems like so many people are searching for something but they don't know what or how to find it, so their daily lives become frenetic. Or perhaps it's the other way around. Our lives are so hectic and fast-paced that we never take the time to "gather ye rosebuds" if you will.

Nicklese said...

well, the post had nothing to do with kids or how hectic things are (for me), but interesting to see how it translates to others.